Our Goal

The Cognitive Science Student Association was established to build and maintain a community of students with interest in the multidisciplinary aspects of Cognitive Science. We maintain a strong relationship with UCSD's prestigious Cognitive Science Department in order to deliver academic opportunities to our members and stay up-to-date with the most cutting edge research in Cognitive Science. We establish connections with professional groups in the San Diego area in order to help our members discover the multidisciplinary qualifications that Cognitive Science offers to the professional world.


Lara Rangel

Assistant Professor

Lara Rangelx

Her research interests include rhythmic coordination of brain activity, information processing in neural networks, dynamic interactions between neurons, learning, memory, neuromodulation.


Federico Rossano

Assistant Professor

Federico Rossanox

. His current research adopts a comparative perspective on social cognition and is focused on the development of communicative abilities and social norms in human and non-human primates.


2019-2020 Executive Board

Learn more about us and our experience as Cognitive Science majors by clicking on our picture. Also, feel free to get in touch with any one of us if you're interested in learning more about how you too can get involved in the Cognitive Science community!

Rohini Sen


Rohini Senx

Hi! I am Rohini and I am a co-president of CSSA this year. I am a senior majoring in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience. I have always been curious about the brain and how we process information around us. I wish to explore the mechanisms underlying the variety of our cerebral processes, thoughts and behavior and make progress in my understanding of neuroscience. As an attempt at exploring, I have been working on research projects in a psychiatry lab at the School of Medicine and in a psychology lab at the Center for Brain and Cognition in UCSD. Outside of CSSA, I am volunteering for a non-profit that supports the education of underprivileged children in India. I also enjoy dancing, painting and travelling. Through my experiences in CSSA, I have learned a lot about the Cog- Sci department and the field, and had the chance to work with talented, motivated and encouraging people. I look forward to working with our incredible board this year and to all that we have coming up!


Samruddhi Hande


Samruddhi Handex

Hi, I'm Sam and I'm a co-president of CSSA! I'm a third year majoring in cognitive science machine learning and minoring in computer science and design. I aspire to work a large tech company as a data scientist or software engineer. As a San Diego native, I love going to the beach and exploring new food places. I look forward to this upcoming year of CSSA - we have a lot of really fun stuff planned!


Andrew Nguyen


Andrew Nguyenx

How's it going! I'm Andrew Nguyen a 4th year CogSci major with a Design and Interaction specialization and a Computer Science minor. Outside of my classes, I am also the Lab Coordinator and Web Designer for the Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab run by Dr. Timothy Rickard, which runs many of the experiments that you may be a part of for that sweet sweet SONA credit.


Daniel Li


Daniel Lix

Hi, my name is Daniel and I am the secretary for CSSA! I am a third-year majoring in Cognitive Science with a specialization in Design & Interaction. I am extremely fascinated by the intersection of design and writing and hope to pursue a career in content strategy/UX writing. On campus, I am also an Associate Copy Editor for The UCSD Guardian. In my free time, I enjoy traveling, hiking, and going to the beach.


Barbara Liu

Event Coordinator

Barbara Liux

I am currently a Junior majoring Cognitive Science/neuroscience specialization, with a minor in Biology. My main jobs in CSSA are to provide food for everyone who comes to our event and make our talks and socials more enjoyable. I love doing research and learn about everything about cognition. They help me reflect on myself & my mind and know better about who/what I am. When I am free, I enjoy eating and watching lots of films. Come and talk to me during our events if you also love brain science, food, or films!


Phillip Lagoc

Internal PR Chair

Phillip Lagocx

Hello hello! My name is Phillip, and I'm a senior majoring in Cognitive Science, with a specialization in Machine Learning. I'm currently the Internal Public Relations Chair for CSSA, and so I'm in charge of contacting alumni, industry professionals, and faculty members for professional networking events. I'm also a Lab Assistant at the Machine Learning for Social Science Lab, dedicated to answering questions that emerge from the crossroads between machine learning and social science. With the technical skills from my experience as a lab assistant, and the interpersonal skills I have as the Internal PR Chair, I hope to pursue a career as a Data Scientist. In my free time, catch me hanging out with my friends, playing video-games, or at the gym =)


Jessica Orford

Fundraising Chair

Jessica Orfordx

Hi! My name is Jess and I'm studying Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience here as a third year at UCSD. I love to think of my Cognitive Science specialization as an intersection between health and technology, since it involves the study of the brain and includes elements of computer science. Together for me these aspects provide a dynamic and exciting major with opportunity to explore many career fields, including my personal favorite, health-related research. In CSSA my role is Fundraising Chair, and outside of studying I love to cook, go to the gym, grab food with friends, and watch movies!


Harpreet Nijjer

Media Chair

Harpreet Nijjerx

Hi! My name is Harpreet Nijjer, and I’m the Media Chair. I’m a third year majoring in Cognitive Science with a Specialization in Cognitive Behaviorial Neuroscience. What I love most about Cognitive Science is that it allows me to understand human functioning and how the mind works. Outside of CSSA, I’m also involved with the Bhagat Puran Singh Health Initiative and the Sikh Student Association. I also enjoy volunteering, writing, photography, and art! After graduation, I want to pursue a career in researching neurodegenerative disease.


Maya Iyer

Media Chair

Maya Iyerx

Hi, I’m Maya and I’m a senior majoring in Cognitive Science and specializing in Design & Interaction. I’m minoring in Communication, and I’ve loved taking these courses because they provide a great supplement to my major as they relate to human behavior and how we make sense of the world. After graduation I plan to work as a UX researcher because I’m really interested in user-centered design and discovering ways to make technology more accessible for everyone. Outside of UCSD, I am a huge fan of traveling, watching tennis, and eating sushi.


Mehail Sunny Matthew

Sponsorship Chair

Mehail Sunny Matthewx

Hi, my name is Mehail and I am the Sponsorship chair for CSSA. I am a third-year majoring in Cognitive Science with a specialization in Machine Learning and Neural Computation. What I love the most about Cognitive Science is the interconnection of various fields such as, Neuroscience, Linguistics, and Computer Science in order to better understand the mind and apply what we learn to various aspects of society. In my free time, I like to golf, hike, and try new restaurants.


Viviana Davila

Web Developer

Viviana Davilax

Hello, I'm Viviana, and I'm the Web Developer! I am in my fourth year studying Cognitive Science with a specialization in Design and Interaction. Some of my interests that I'm super passionate about include web development, design, and education. I am hoping to continue with Web Development as a career path, so I have interned at a legal tech startup as their front-end development intern. Outside of these interests, I love going to the beach, exploring San Diego, and watching movies with my friends :)


Samantha Cheung

Design Chair

Samantha Cheungx

Hi there! My name is Samantha and I'm one of the Design Chairs for CSSA. I'm a second year majoring in Cognitive Science with a Specialization in Design and Interaction. Cognitive Science allows me to pursue my interests in design, psychology, and computer science in hopes of becoming a UX/UI designer in the future. I spend my free time being emotionally invested in The British Baking Show, doing second grade level arts and crafts, and attempting to keep my plants alive.


Felicity Yin

Design Chair

Felicity Yinx

Hi! My name is Felicity and I'm a senior in the Cognitive Science department with a specialization in Human Computer Interaction. I love how interdisciplinary cogsci is, and being able to study neuroscience, computer science and design at the same time makes learning fun and exciting. Having a major in Cognitive Science provides me with different critical skills in the industry, and I aspire to be a Product Designer with programming knowledge and marketing experience in the future. In my free time, I love to go to the beach, grab food with friends, and make cocktails at home!


Rani Shankar

Marketing Chair

Rani Shankarx

Hello! I'm Rani Shankar and I'm one of the two Marketing Chairs for CSSA! I am a Cognitive Science major specializing in Clinical Aspects of Cognition and I'm also minoring in Psychology. I am really passionate about research in neurological disorders and how they can be prevented/cured. While I'm still figuring out my life, I plan to get a PhD in Neuroscience and have a career in academia. I'm also the Managing Editor of the UCSD Guardian on campus. In my spare time, I love watching TV and movies and keeping up with news and pop culture. :)
